Nest Home Lending, LLC is a full-service mortgage banker of excellence, integrity and distinction. Nest was created from a partnership between Oakwood Homes and Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. Our goal in creating Nest was for our clients to have access to a better customer service experience and seamless communication for both themselves and between Nest and Oakwood Homes. This in turn provides a more seamless loan process and helps ensure all commitments are kept.

The free and easy Oakwood Homebuyers Club is designed to help everyone bring the dream of homeownership to fruition. Whether you’ve faced financial obstacles in the past or are just a little overwhelmed by the whole homebuying process, Oakwood counselors are here to provide the personalized, confidential resources you need to get into a new home. You may be able to afford more home than you thought or move to a new home sooner than you expected. The no-obligation Oakwood Homebuyers Club is designed to answer all of your homebuying questions.

Town & Country Title Services LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oakwood Homes. They provide title and closing services to the buyers of Oakwood Homes past and present, as well as others who request our services. The title company is in its 15th year of operation, having been created by Oakwood Homes in 2000. Presently, Town & Country serves the Front Range of Colorado. They are underwritten by Stewart Title Guaranty Company of Houston, Texas and have earned a place in their Trusted Provider Network.